To The Jew First

A Christian Ministry to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile.  Romans 1:16

East gate in Jerusalem

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Shalom Haverim (Friends),

  Many praises unto Jesus Christ for another Eastern European Summer tour July 6 to Sept. 28.  I am thankful for those who prayed and for finances and the grace of Almighty God.  From Aug. 1-24 I was in RO.  There were many church meetings in which I spoke.  These are mostly churches I have known for many years and I am glad to return to see how they do.  Ats 15:36  I believe my presence among these believers is an encouragement to them, it is to me.  The study of God’s Word for the meetings is a mighty blessing to me.  I am blessed as someone from the meeting has questions often brought on by the subject I taught on.  In the city of Bran a second message, the first given last year, on fasting brought questions to a young man not yet 20.  And a young sister in another meeting had great concern of soul for my message on fasting.  It is hard to leave a pastor & his church, but I must move ahead.  As the high priest carried the names of the tribes of Israel in the breastplate, so I carry the concern for these churches.  Ex 28:15-28, there were 4 rows of 3 stones each representing the 12 tribes of Israel vs. 17-21, and Aaron carried the names of the 12 tribes on his heart, v 29.  11 Cor 11:27-28  Paul: “…That which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches.”

  On Aug 25 I entered Bulgaria.  Where I stay in Russe by the Danube River, the church had me speak.  My translator does not come to each Thursday night meeting, but she felt compelled to come, not knowing that she was needed for translating.  I was blessed to visit again the Nicovi family in Plovdiv.  It was pastor Stoico Nicovi’s 60th birthday so most of the Nicovi family where there.   I was blessed to be able to preach Sunday morning there.  It was a good crowd, the new building of the Baptist church almost full!  Salaries are low, retirement pay is beyond our imagination in BG.  A small amount of money goes a long way to help brothers and sisters in RO, BG, MD, UA.  With inflation the value of their retirement goes down, but the pay does not automatically adjust.  One brother I visit in BG who is 64 gets no retirement.  He was persecuted severely during the time of Communism.  Here is another reason to return to the churches in Eastern Europe.  In UA a Messianic Jewish believer I have known since 1990 his retirement pays only his monthly government rent. They are our brothers and sisters, what will we do for them?  Shall I return?  It is planned that I will return in Feb and the summer to RO.  Last year after RO in Feb I went to Crete, Greece.

  I had 2 weeks to get ready for my trip to Israel, I left on Oct. 12, the Day of Atonement.  I wanted to return for ministry and for my 7 implants started in Jan. this year.  (Taken from my Diary Oct 12.):  I walked to the tramvai in Athis-Mons and as I just passed the synagogue I offered a tract.  The man dipped his head to show his cipa!  So I spoke to him in Hebrew and he spoke Hebrew!  There was not a witness but there was contact.  He blessed me for my trip to Israel.  I took that meeting as a blessing from Christ and a sign of His approval of my trip to Israel.  It was a blessing that I could meet a Jew on Yom Kippur. (End diary.)   I was glad to be again in Israel among the Jewish people.  I started in Haifa.  I had contacts on the streets and fellowshipped with believers.  I was able to give a meditation on Is 6 in Hebrew at Beit Hesda Assembly in Haifa.  I enjoyed a prayer meeting among workers. I went to Jerusalem for my teeth.  On the way I had an amazing contact.  It made me satisfied that this trip was for this contact.   From Diary Oct 19:  Mem Ver Is 58:6-11.  Haifa To Jerusalem by train. It was again a challenge to get ready to leave.  I had hoped to be at the train by 11 AM but it was 12.  It was a 15-20 minute walk to the train and lit. did not go out.  Near the train I saw a man sitting in front of his shop.  I passed him but went back and offered a booklet which he took.  I had a nice short talk with a mother & daughter waiting for the train.  They offered a place for me to sit.  The daughter just finished a doctorate in Princeton in NJ, USA.  When the mother told me her daughter got her doctorate, she said “ Can you imagine.”  I said NO.  I told them I am a Christian and I was asked to leave Israel and they were hurt that such a thing could happen in Israel.  The meeting perhaps the best I will have on this trip happened in the train.   A woman of 78 was forced to sit next to me.  I was able to talk to her.  She was a school teacher in the lower grades up to 5th.  She had a school Bible teacher who challenged her to learn by heart verses and chapters from the Bible.  She had no religious leanings or background.  I began quoting verses and she knew them by heart.  I told Messianic meanings to verses which were surprising to her. Such as Ps 118:21-24which is a prophecy of Messiah’s rejection.  She knew Is 7:14 about the virgin birth.  I told her of names of the Messiah in Is 9:6.  She knew Is 53 and quoted with me but for some reason I went fast through vs. 1-6, perhaps in fear I would forget.  In the following conversation I was able to reinforce ideas I had presented. (End diary.) 

  I went with Abdallah to his church in Lud and I gave the Is 6 message also in Hebrew in an Arab church.  I went to visit in Jerusalem Michael P. a believer whom I have known since 1973 and I found him on the ground in front of his house.  He is 82 and quite fragile.  There are others who have been concerned for him for several years and once again we are seeking to know how to help him and in what direction to guide him.  He is an Israeli citizen, originally from Spain, and is alone.   Jesus Christ has been providing me places to stay and for a few days I will stay with Michael P. praying he will regain strength to care for himself.  Fortunately there is a family next door who cares for him.  I received a financial gift while here and the work on my teeth is paid for.  Five of the 7 implants took in the bone.  Probably in 6 weeks I will have 5 new teeth on my upper gum.

  Some future- plans for Israel: Finish the 5 implants, visit Eilat-John Pex, Tel Aviv- pastor Tom & Br. Serge, Tiberias-Ben & Issachar, David Williamson in Metulah and Israel Segal both in the north.

  Isaiah records his experience of seeing Adonai- the Lord in Chapter 6.  He saw Him on His throne with Seraphim there by the throne.  The exaltation of Adonai was mighty and Isaiah realized his sinfulness in the midst of Adonai’s glory.  Adonai is mentioned 3 times in vs. 1-8.  He repented and was ready for Adonai’s call.  The Trinity of God wanted to send a prophet ( “who will go for us?” v 8) and Isaiah was ready and willing.  “Here am I send me.”  Adonai sent him to speak to the Jewish People.  Vs 9-10  The Jews would not receive the Word, but Isaiah was to speak.  I ask are we ready and willing for Adonai’s call to do His will?

 The rejoicing of the Feast of Tabernacles was encouraging, Lev 23:40

 Today rain came to Israel.  Perhaps it was the “first rain” of Deut 11:14.

Michael D Bentley  Rom 1:16

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